Thursday, 16 May 2013

Specialist Study 2- Part 4 Further camera angles research

I haven't really kept up blogging here for a while now, as I had decided that it was a really big distraction with my work, plus I never really found the time. Anyway, I have some bad news in terms with this overall project and it was something of a big shock/ descision which I had to make. But, I'll explain all of that as I progress over the next few blogs.

So from the previous post, I was talking about the camera angles which I was looking at. I needed to see from film, and tv shows on how they manage to keep focus on the character but at he same time, continue to always move the story forward.

I again looked further into the camera angles such as the ones below.

This show above is from the Prometheus film, I guess much more of an extra trailer before the film had came out during the time. The camera angle here shows from a very low angle, which really shows that this character has power, knowledge and something to be revered. 

An eyelevel shot, which keeps the audience on a balanced view. 

This shot from the film "Matilda" has a very  high angle, which reflects from an adult view where it then shows how weak the girl looks, how vulnerable she really is due to her age. 

This particular shot is tilted giving a more intense shot towards the audience, something which feels surreal and out of this world. I won't be using this shot. 

The point of view shot above from the Kings Speech, gives the audience the chance to see from the person/ character perspective and we then get a slight of idea of how they feel. In this case, the character is overwhelmed with the task of talking to the people. 

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