Sunday, 2 March 2014

Heavy Character Animation - Part 3

I'm back. After having a week off from animating and working from my part time job, it was a welcome relief for my mind. That week off, really made me think about where I am at the moment and really exposed the flaws of my schedule which I have planned for this year. So, after carefully going about what to do now, I realise that I may have to one day admit that I won't become an animator straight away and instead, should find an equal passion that will drive me to become eager to work every day. I have a job in mind and it's something related to what I'm doing at my part time job but will be orientated around technology.

Anyway back to the animation. I have blocked out all of the key poses of the heavy character and have encountered a problem. It's something to do with the heavy character hands where once I have keyed the gun to discontinue the constraints, I'm left with the right hand acting as the driving force for the left hand, therefore I can not independently move the right hand as it still affects the translations and rotations for the left hand.

I had tried to figure a way out of this but was unsuccessful in solving this problem. Since the animation is going quite long, approximately around 40-50 seconds, I then had to review what I could keep and what I had to cut loose. As there is so much going on in terms of character personality, I then decided to keep the first 20 seconds of the start of the animation. I can then focus a lot more on this short section of what I had planned out from the start and make sure that the performance is a strong as it can be.

With that said, I have given myself this week to finish this project. Bit disappointed with the problem which I wasn't able to fix but, they'll be another project which I will try to resolve this problem. I'll see you guys next time, where I hope to have this completed and talk about my graduation day, which is tomorrow.

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